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i am a stay-at-home mom living, learning and loving by the bay!I love to take pictures. I love to crochet cozy things for my family and friends.

September 6, 2011

Big Sur

We camp here most Labor Day weekends.
This campground is situated on the Big Sur River just south of
Carmel on Hwy 1.

The first thing the kids did was go climbing!

The river is coooold!!!!
Goose tried to get in, but immediately got out.
Next year we will bring wetsuits!

This is Barkley.
He immediately came to greet us when we pulled up to our site.
Cute, isn't he?

Grandma and Binky played volleyball together.

Grandma and I trekked through the river one afternoon.
It was so beautiful!  And so peaceful.

We always bring the hammock.
I didn't get a chance to get in it this year.

Goose, Daddy and I found some enormous trees that had fallen across the river.
Goose said she would love to live in Big Sur.

The view from Cafe Kevah.
We always stop here Monday morning before heading home.
Such a beautiful view.

It was a very relaxing weekend.
Quiet, peaceful.
And we are all looking forward to next year!


  1. Big Sur looks like a beautiful natural place to spend time with family:)

  2. you're all such a good looking family! so lucky to have a tradition like a big sur camping trip. that's the first place i ever camped with my husband. what memories.

  3. Big Sur is so gorgeous, as is your family. What a lovely tradition!
