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i am a stay-at-home mom living, learning and loving by the bay!I love to take pictures. I love to crochet cozy things for my family and friends.

June 27, 2012

cake, chickens and crochet

Binky's first cake!
Vanilla cake with chocolate frosting.
He made this himself and it was delicious!
He was very proud of himself.

Goose is chicken sitting!
That sounds funny!
She is taking care of 1 hen and 10 chicks for the next month.
So every morning at 7:30 (being a homeschooled girl who usually gets to sleep in until whenever, she isn't so happy about this part of the deal) she walks across the street to let the
chickens out for the day, clean their water and give them
food.  Every night she goes back to put them in their house for the night.
Binky has been helping, too.
He named two of the chicks Nova and Jubilee.
I think this is a great experience for her.

This is my first crocheted bag.
I was making an infinity scarf when I realized
the yarn was just way too itchy.
So I made a bag instead.
I love it!
I have never made anything other than scarves, so
this is a big deal for me!  I think it will make
a great farmer's market bag. 
I haven't crocheted for several months and now I am
hooked again.  It is so meditative for me. 
Goose is joining me and making her first attempt at a hat.
My husband is always asking me when I am going to make him
a sweater.  He doesn't even wear sweaters!
I know he just wants me to make him something.  I've made both
the kids and myself scarves, which he doesn't wear, either.
So a sweater it is.  I know it will probably take me several attempts
to get it right.  Maybe I should start now to have it finished
by Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I want to come chicken-sit!! How fun is that?!
    Have a terrific summer : )

