In art class yesterday, Goose worked on part of a class sculpture. I'm looking forward to seeing how that turns out!

And in her shelters class they went for a walk around the neighborhood and talked about how homes are constructed and how we use them for storage. This is one of her own photos.

In Binky's animal class they are still studying african elephants. This is a great way to draw an elephant.

And, finally, in his shelters class they heard the story, "The Three Little Pigs" and talked about how people use straw, twigs and bricks to build their homes in different parts of the world. Then they built their own structures with alfalfa bricks and glue. This lovely home has plenty of room for the whole family!
All in all it was a good day. Binky is still asking me to leave the classroom. He says it's embarrassing having me there taking pictures. Sniff, sniff... all I want is to be a part of it all! Yeah, so maybe I can go for a walk during ONE of his classes. Binky is growing up and I have to face it, I know, I know. Today Goose is working on division, cursive, science, and writing. Binky is working on geometry, telling time, writing, and reading. The rain will keep us indoors. Which is fine with me!
It sounds like your kids go to a wonderful school. I would want to stay all day as well. I love the little shelter made with alfalfa bricks. ;)